Chimney cleaning is a task you should let the professionals handle for your chimney. When your chimney has not been cleaned incorrectly, the flue could be damaged in the sweeping process. A skilled chimney sweep has the knowledge and field experience to know what to do in any situation that may arise throughout the process.
It is recommended by the National Fire Protection Association every home owner should have their chimney flues cleaned and inspected once every year to avoid a chimney fire. In fact every year there are 30,000 chimney fires in America. شركة تنظيف مداخن بجدة The easiest way to avoid being one of those 30,000 is to have your chimney regularly cleaned and inspected by a trained chimney sweep. Once a year is all it takes.
One of the biggest questions among home owners is the cost of a proper chimney cleaning. The real cost will vary from company to company. The average range is anywhere from $100 to as much as $300 per a flue. This is a reasonable approximation of what you should expect to pay for this service. of course the cost will depend on the amount of work involved and the company you decide to use.

The process of cleaning a chimney flue is not that difficult to understand. Today chimney sweeps use the same method they have used for the past few centuries. There are chimney rods. The rods are typically made of fiberglass but you can still find them made from wood. They are usually 3 to 6 feet in length. They attach to each other.
Then there are chimney brushes; only the right size chimney brush should be used. These brushes made of plastic poly blend bristles and there are steel wire brushes as well. The brush head attached to the first chimney rod. Then inserted in the chimney flue being cleaned and swept up and down until that section is clean. An other rod is attached and the process again repeated until the entire chimney flue has been cleaned from top to bottom.
There are 3 main types of chimney flues.
· Furnace Flue
· Fireplace Flue
· Wood Stove Or Fireplace Insert Flue
These 3 different flues are all set up differently before the sweeping can begin. But are all cleaned pretty much the same way with one exception, the fireplace. The fireplace must have the smoke shelf above the damper cleaned as well this by hand with small hand wire brushes. A thorough job is crucial.