Have you heard all the buzz about social media marketing, but aren't really sure how it can be a part of your marketing plan or how to even get started? Are you considering using this form of new media to grow your business but are overwhelmed by the technical social media account management aspects and the massive time commitment to make this strategy work?
Trust me, you are not alone! I got caught up in the wave of online marketing about four years ago...right smack dab in the middle of building my first offline business. The idea of being able to automatically generate leads that didn't cost a dime was quite alluring.
The problem is that the people who tell you that it's so easy to generate leads and sales through social marketing don't factor in the time you have to spend learning how to use these systems and then constantly updating and maintaining multiple accounts to be successful with this strategy.
I learned that the hard way - by doing everything on my own for nearly three years. Updating profiles, adding friends, creating content, etc. etc. It got to the point where I was working 10+ hours a day just to keep up with everything...yes, I started to make sales, but shouldn't my time be more valuable than this?
Then I discovered a secret that I just have to share with you.
I was able to outsource this work to a social media marketing manager (SMMM) - which made my business grow like wildflower!
Here's how having a social media marketing manager can help you do the same:
Take care of all the technical aspects.
We all know that time is money. Hiring someone just to build all of your profiles and link them together is worth it's weight in gold. A good SMMM will take all of this off your plate and help you to develop a strategy for attracting your ideal client.
Profile management.
When you have multiple profiles (Linked In, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter) it can be a monumental task just to clean up all the junk requests and spam that comes into those accounts. Your social media marketing manager will do all of this tedious work on your behalf so you can focus your time on selling.
Audience building.
Finding the right people for you products and services is paramount in business. The best SMMM's will work with you to understand your ideal client and put together a strategy of building a following on the right social media sites to attract your best prospects.
Reputation management.
An old business saying is that a happy customer tells one person about their good experience, while an unhappy customer will tell eleven! If you are considering hiring a social media marketing manager, make certain that they will monitor what is being said about your products and services online so that if negative things are being spread, you can take immediate action!
Content creation.
The only way to succeed with social marketing is to social media account management constantly be creating content that is useful and engaging to your target audience. Your SMMM should be willing to create this content on your behalf and distribute it to your prospects. This also includes doing daily status updates on your various profiles.