The African Grey Parrot is the most beautiful of the parrot species. Originally from central Africa they are well known for their high talkative cognitive ability and their extensive intelligence. These magnificent parrots are able to develop such a wide and extensive vocabulary that they seem so human to their owners because of their great communication skills.
There are two different types of African Grey Parrot- The Congo African Grey and The Timneh African Grey. The Congo African Grey has a light gray body with a red tail while its counterpart the Timheh African Grey has a much darker charcoal gray body with a less red and more maroon tail.
African Grey Parrot is a not really a big size bird, but rather medium in size usually growing on average about 10- 14 inches in length. They range in size because the males are larger than the females ranging in 12 - 14 inches in length. If you are not familiar with African Grey Parrots you might not be able to distinct between the male and female because they look so close. But the female African Grey Parrot holds her dignity and composes a narrower head and a more slender neck of that of her male counterpart.
These parrots have a life expectancy of about 60 years and though they are wonderful to have as pets, they do require a long term commitment. Not only do they possess a long lifespan but they also have a high intelligence ability which again required their owner to be experienced and committed to understand their needs and keep them stimulate. As with any parrots eggs highly intelligent being, they get bored easily and must be constantly stimulated in an interactive environment. If these darlings' needs are not met then their owners might have behavioral problems on their hands such as feather picking.
Behavioral Problems of the African Grey
Though known for their intelligence, they are also known for their sensitivity. And this sensitivity can sometimes display itself into behavioral problems. Just small changes within an African Grey daily day to day setting can sent this parrot into become a cranky, picky, self mutilating bird.
They can sometimes become very challenging in that they will not comply with being disciplined and will find themselves in a lot of trouble such as chewing or biting. But be warned that they can pick up a bad habit very quickly, so it is best that they owners be on their best behavior too.
But typically African Grey parrot are great pet birds and will be a delight to have around. They are very social birds and will quickly adopt their new family into their world. They do not like to be alone and will make excessive noise, start biting and plucking their feathers. African Grey Parrots are better suited for family with children who will give them loads of attention. Parrots beaks are strong and hard and are used as a second hand, so when playing with children, they should be aware of this fact.
But not because they are social don't mistake them for parrots who love close physical contact. African Grey parrots enjoy the occasional scratching of the head, cuddling with the playing. One of the most common affection of the African Grey is that they will try to kiss their owners though this is not recommended because the human mouth has harmful bacteria that is very dangerous to the bird.
African Grey parrots are all about personality. They display so much humanlike qualities that those who have them as pets will sometimes forget that are bird. Their intelligence is sure to will keep their owners entertained and loved.