The past couple of years have been a bit of a whirlwind for Motorola as a company but the end consumer wouldn't really know of it unless they were really paying attention. The company's lineup of products offered to the public certainly doesn't seem to have suffered while the company has undergone huge changes. Consider this, the current iteration of Motorola's most popular smartphone ever, the Moto G3, was launched while Motorola has been under the latest ownership, the Chinese computer maker Lenovo. The company launched the third version of the Moto G along with Moto phone cases and accessories under the Moto brand name even Lenovo has since revealed that the company plans to kill off the Motorola brand name once and for all.
The previous iteration of the Moto G, the Moto G2 and its more expensive X branded sibling as well as the bargain basement E version, were all launched while Motorola was under the umbrella of its previous owner. An owner no less than Google itself. While many lovers of the Motorola brand were thrilled that it had been acquired by Google and thought that this, in essence secured the future of the Motorola brand; that wasn't to be. Within just a couple of years or less, Google decided that it did not want to own a hardware maker and sold Motorola to their current owner, Lenovo.
The first ever Moto X and soon after it the Moto G that we are writing about today, were all launched while in the lat few days of Motorola being a completely independent company. Even the instant success that the Motorola brand had with the Moto series of smartphones was not enough to stop it from selling of the smartphone division of the company to Google.
None of this changes the fact that the phones with the Moto logo continue to be the amongst the best Android smartphones on the market. Motorola, despite its highly uncertain future, continues to sell Moto branded phones as well as accessories like Moto G3 cases by the boat load.
It is also incredibly interesting to note that amidst its turmoil as a company, Motorola is managing to pull off something that most other Android manufacturers continue to struggle with. That feat is Android updates, something that has always been a sore point for Android users and something that iPhone fanbois forever mock Google for. Motorola however has managed to push out timely updates before almost every other manufacturer and keep its smartphones on the latest version of Android.
At the time of writing this, Motorola just pushed out the OTA update to Google's latest Marshmallow operating system for its previous generation of Moto G, the phone cases. The Moto G2 was launched with Android 4 or KitKat but received the fifth generation update of the OS as a Lollipop update less than midway through its lifecycle. Now, long after the phone has stopped selling, Moto has pushed out an upgrade that is sure to give the phone an extended lease of life.